Professional Development
Welcome to the SOLE Professional Development page! Here you will find resources to help you grow in the world of environmental education. SOLE is all about connecting students and their families to the outdoors. Schools and teachers that are connected to and passionate about the outdoors further help encourage this. Below are several resources available to teachers wishing to expand their use of environmental education in their classrooms.
SOLE Teacher Workshops
SOLE plans to offer its teachers two professional development opportunities during 2022. Stay tuned for information about the 2022 spring and summer teacher workshops! The spring workshop will involve traveling to view the sandhill crane migration in the Monte Vista area. Click here to read about SOLE's 2021 trip to view the sandhill crane migration.
If you have any questions about the upcoming 2022 SOLE Teacher Workshops, email SOLE at
Training Workshops offered through
Colorado Parks and Wildlife (CPW)
Project WILD - Conservation based education that is sponsored by a network of state wildlife agencies. The lessons provided in the Project WILD guide are based on national educational standards, encourage hands on learning, and focus on wildlife and habitat.
CPW Teacher Institutes - Teaching Environmental Science Naturally (TEN) and Outdoor Understanding for Teachers (OUT) are site-based training programs geared specifically towards teachers.
Colorado Archery in the Schools (CASP) - Learn how to teach archery following National Archery in the Schools standards.
Hunter Education - Even if you never plan on hunting, these courses teach you a great deal about Colorado's wildlife and ecosystems, as well as valuable outdoor and survival skills.
To learn more about teacher resources and professional development opportunities through CPW, please visit the CPW Teacher Resources web page.
Additional Resources
Colorado Association of Environmental Education (CAEE) - CAEE offers many great opportunities to educators of all backgrounds, formal teachers included! The EE in School Toolkit web page is filled with ideas and tools to include environmental education in your classroom and school.
Colorado School of Mines Teacher Enhancement Program ​ - The School of Mines offers a variety of courses online, on weekends, and on campus through the Teacher Enhancement Program. To see a list of upcoming classes and tuition fees, visit the Colorado School of Mines Teacher Enhancement Program web page.